Picture gallery

Themes and epochs by Erwin Bowien

Retrospective by Erwin Bowien at the Kunstmuseum Solingen, 2014
Retrospective by Erwin Bowien at the Kunstmuseum Solingen, 2014



In exile in Holland

Solingen and the Bergisches Land

Bavaria, Swabia & Allgäu

The island of Sylt (Klappholttal)

Hannoversch Münden

Switzerland cycle

Rhine cycle

Norway cycle

Paris, Brussels, Aachen

Weil am Rhein, Markgräfler Land and Dreiländereck

Algeria and Morocco

Portraits of people

Flower portraits

Sketches, drawings and graphite work

Youth in Neuchâtel (CH) - soldier on the western front - studies in Munich

Lake Constance, Killenberg Castle near Salem

Animal representations



Stolen, destroyed, lost